Gersy Hair and Body Shampoo / Keep It Fresh

Gersy Hair and Body Shampoo employs a rich composition of nutrient-filled formula that cleans and protects your hair and skin, getting rid of stubborn dirt and grease and leaving you with a long-lasting fresh scent.
Gersy Hair and Body Shampoo comes in a variety of refreshing scents, which are: night wish, blue waves, blackcurrant, orchid and cherry blossom, rose and black gardenia, or velvet touch.
Did you know that you can use the formula for a variety of other creative uses? Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Fix your stuck zipper by applying a little shampoo with a Q-tip to either side of the zipper teeth
  • Remove laundry stains by applying shampoo directly on the stain before washing it
  • Remove band-aids easily by softening them up first with the shampoo
  • Clean your hairbrush and makeup brushes